11 Personality Traits of Melinda Gates

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December 19, 2016

Melinda Ann Gates, the 4th most powerful women on earth. A businesswoman and a renowned philanthropist. With a net worth of $85.7 billion, Gates is the most sought after personality when it comes to global development. Melinda, along with her husband Bill Gates initiated the Bill & Melinda foundation in 2000, which is solely dedicated to the amelioration of life, globally.

Melinda Gates is a mother of 3 and spends the majority of her time for the welfare of the society on a global platform. She could be recognized as a superwoman for the third world countries and wishes to have access to more time. But the most apparent question is how does she lead such a hectic life with so much grace? How does she manage her 24 hours? How does she balance her personal and social life? Well, perhaps we can come up to a conclusion if we follow the personality traits of Melinda Gates, the most powerful and possibly the most humble woman of the world.

  1. Wake Up & Workout

    A woman of 52 years of age and a mother of 3, Melinda is fit and healthier than most of the 30 years old. A woman with the responsibility of the entire world on her shoulders must reflect a healthy lifestyle. Hence, to achieve that goal, she has a morning ritual of exercising 5 days a week.

  2. Follow Mother’s Advice

    Melinda believes in the idea of strong family ties. She has provided guidance to her children and even reached out to them from the remotest areas of the world whenever they needed her assistance. Similar to her children, Melinda has the routine of seeking her mother, Elaine, whenever she needs a guiding figure or support system. She has the policy of talking to her mother on the telephone every week.

  3. Unplanned Weekends

    Melinda Gates believes that family comes first. In order to spend time with her family, she has a custom of unorganized weekends with her kids. She believes that communication among the family members is excessively significant. Therefore, she prefers to visit a mall, casually sit at home or host a movie night and popcorn with her family members and discuss her various visits to the third world countries as well as her experiences. According to Melinda Gates, the activity they do doesn’t matter as long as the members of the family are together.

  4. Melinda Gates Run a Few Miles

    Melinda is a woman who reflects a healthy and happy lifestyle. In order to achieve a salubrious manner of living and promoting the idea of women longevity, Gates believes in indulging in diverse sports and athletic activities. She has a tendency of running a few miles with her friends every week and has participated in various marathons.

  5. Long Walks on the Beach

    Melinda Gates shares a great bond with her husband. The richest couple of the world obviously discusses and pond over every minute detail of their business as well as charity grants. She has made it a habit to talk business and discuss other crucial facts of the foundation not in a concrete office but during long walks on the beach.

    She prefers spending time with her husband on the beach and exchange views during long walks. Whether it is about granting a charity mount of millions of dollars or condition of women in some third world countries, it is all debated among them during the long walks with the waves.

  1. Love for Reading

    Melinda Gates, as pointed out by her closest friends and family is a scientific and erudite individual. She has the custom of reading as much as she could during her free hours. Her closest acquaintances claim that she reads more than any other individual and absorbs the lessons efficiently. She has the trait of providing a short summary of the latest book she read, to her husband every time they meet.

  2. Love for Puzzles

    Melinda Gates has an inclination towards jigsaw and math puzzle. She along with her husband shares a passion for solving such puzzles. They have had the ritual of solving puzzles since they began dating. She likes solving math puzzles along with her husband during their time together. She likes to indulge in puzzle competitions along with her husband as she claims that they provide a challenge and are very interesting to complete.

  3. Set a 24-hour Deadline

    Melinda Gates, since she was a kid has made it a routine to set a particular goal and achieve it in a 24-hour deadline. It could be learning a new word anything else she sets her mind on. This 24-hour deadline has helped her to accomplish various goals she set in various phases of life. During her remarkable work toward the betterment of the society, she has made sure to follow her 24-hour deadline every now and then to accomplish the goals for global development.

  4. Dress Simple

    Melinda Gates not only represents Bill & Melinda Gates foundation but also she reflects the idea of a healthy and better lifestyle for the third world countries. Her idea of dressing up simply in a shirt and trousers or long skirt reflects the gravity of the predicament she wishes to eradicate as well as her perseverance toward that goal. Her simple and humble attire appeal to the less fortunate countries as well as the population dealing with the critical issues.

  1. Love for Movies

    Melinda Gates like any other woman has an appetite for romantic movies. She loves watching the classic Sound of Music along with her husband whenever they get the time.

    Melinda’s Idea of a lazy weekend is to prepare a bowl of popcorn and watch movies while her husband; the richest man in the world is busy doing dishes.

  1. Privacy is Priority

    Melinda Gates being the most influential women on the planet; has the pitfall of sacrificing normalcy and privacy for the sake of the world. In order to achieve global development, Melinda is required to be in the constant spotlight. Hence, she makes sure that her private light and that of her children are well protected and kept under wraps as much as possible. She has denied myriad of interviews and public appearances to avoid excess exposure into her privacy. She only abdicated her normalcy and embraced the spotlight during the initiation of Bill & Melinda Gates foundation.

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